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St. Luke’s technology philosophy

St. Luke’s creates contextually relevant learning experiences for students through the usage of
well-appointed educational technology and innovative instructional approaches. Technology is viewed not as an isolated addition to our curriculum but rather as one of a number of tools used to support student learning. It enriches the experience of St. Luke’s students while facilitating opportunities to act as designers, producers, and creators.

Through our many digital initiatives, St. Luke’s responsibly exposes students to ethical technology usage and prepares them to navigate the complex, information-rich landscape we inhabit.  Students are educated about digital citizenship, information literacy, and their role in a participatory culture.

Technology at SLES

Technology is utilized in an effort to reach all learners through differentiated instruction and to build a foundation for developing digital literacy. It is our goal that St. Luke’s students learn to use technology with the same ease as a pencil, notebook, or whiteboard.  With that in mind, St. Luke’s became the first school in San Antonio to institute a 1-to-1 laptop program in our middle school providing each student in grades five through eight with their own laptop to use throughout the school year. The 1-to-1 program grants middle school learners opportunities to showcase expertise with interactive presentation tools; collaborate with peers through cloud-based computing; express voice and choice through monitored classroom usage of digital tools; and explore new educational modalities through flipped classroom models.

Summer Registrat